Perfect your English negotiation skills with our practical and comprehensive self-study program!
Build vocabulary and learn useful phrases that will help you to negotiate effectively, with confidence, and in a manner that will prepare the ground for future cooperation.
This course is for you if you want to be confident and effective when:
- presenting arguments
- finding the right balance between hard bargaining and softened messages
- expressing interests
- asking for and sharing information
- taking turns and interrupting
- keeping the discussion on the right track
- seeking compromises
The program contains four hours of digital self-study material and covers the following topics:
- making arrangements to meet
- opening the negotiations and making brief presentations
- discussing and debating
- concluding the negotiations
The self-study material includes:
- over 350 negotiation-related terms in downloadable files
- more than 12 texts that give you examples of how to proceed, and highlight important vocabulary
- more than 500 useful phrases covering all the phases of a negotiation
- more than 70 relevant digital exercises
The study material is freely accessible for 90 days from the date of purchase through our online learning platform.