Collection: All Products
English for Work and Careers (self-study program)
Get to know the key terms and phrases for discussing topics related to employment and careers in English.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Grammar to Go: Conditionals
FREE! Learn to express correctly the main conditional tenses in English. Intermediate. 60-minute course.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €0,00 excl. VAT
Startti suomeen: Aakkoset ja numerot
FREE! Study Finnish at your own pace! This 60-minute course introduces the Finnish alphabet and numbers.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €0,00 excl. VAT
English for the Finnish Pension Insurance Industry - Earnings-Related Pensions (self-study program)
Study English for earnings-related pensions in the Finnish pension system! Includes texts with pension-related terms in context, audio recordings for you to read along with to improve pronunciation, digital exercises to test your knowledge, and downloadable definitions and translations of over 400 terms and useful vocabulary in English.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Banking English (self-study program) with Finnish-English glossary
Expand your banking vocabulary with our engaging digital program.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Customer Service in English (hybrid program)
Learn customer service in English with inspiring digital material and support from a professional language coach.
- Regular price
- €431,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €431,00 excl. VAT
English for Negotiations (self-study program)
Perfect your English negotiation skills with our practical and comprehensive self-study program! The material takes approximately four hours to complete.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
English for Project Work (self-study program)
Get to know the key terms and phrases you need to effectively work on projects in English.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Insurance English (self-study program) with Finnish-English glossary
Study insurance English with our self-study program!
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Presenting in English (self-study program)
Learn the secrets to effective presentations for yourself with inspiring digital material.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Customer Service in English (self-study program)
Find out how to provide positive, polite customer service in English. Learn at your own pace with our inspiring digital material.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kirjoittaminen 1
Practice your writing skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reviewing the spelling rules for Finnish, practicing the use of uppercase and lowercase letters and learning how to compound words correctly. The 60-minute self-study material includes 16 digital exercises and 6 texts on writing rules.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Interaction Skills for Teamwork (self-study program)
Study skills for the modern workplace for yourself with engaging digital content.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Professional Business Writing in English (self-study program)
Move your business writing skills to a higher professional level by studying style, varieties of English, and the mechanics of writing – punctuation, spelling, abbreviations, and more.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
English for Engineering (self-study program)
Get to grips with the key terms and phrases used in English for engineering, manufacturing and quality control.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Luetun ymmärtäminen 2
Practice your reading comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reading a variety of text types and topics, and completing related comprehension exercises. The self-study material includes 16 texts and related reading comprehension exercises, and 3 word exercises to boost your vocabulary.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Kundservice på svenska (self-study program)
Study Swedish for customer service at your own pace with the help of texts and interactive exercises. The material takes approximately 4 hours.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Svenska för den finska pensionsförsäkringsbranschen - arbetspension (self-study program)
Study Swedish for earnings-related pensions in the Finnish pension system! Includes texts with pension-related terms, audio recordings for you to read along with to improve pronunciation, digital exercises to test your knowledge, and downloadable definitions and translations of over 400 terms and useful vocabulary in Swedish.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kuullun ymmärtäminen 1
Practice your listening comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by listening to an hour of conversations and other situations and answering questions to test how well you understood what was said. Includes 20 audios and related exercises, 4 vocabulary-building exercises, and 2 texts on spoken Finnish.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kielioppi ja rakenne 1
Study for the intermediate Finnish YKI test at your own pace! In the 60-minute course, you will learn to recognize and form the plural partitive and genitive and boost your vocabulary. The material includes 15 inspiring and learning-enhancing digital exercises and 4 texts on grammar.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
How to Give Effective Feedback to Anyone
15-minute eLearning for anyone who gives feedback as part of their job. Learn how to give effective feedback which will motivate and support your team members or colleagues to perform better, as well as when and what kind of feedback to give.
- Regular price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
Suomen kielenhuolto Osa 1 (self-study program)
Study Finnish language reviewing at your own pace! During this program, you will learn about the different aspects of language reviewing and spelling.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kuullun ymmärtäminen 3
Continue to prepare for the listening comprehension part of the intermediate Finnish YKI test by listening to business conversations, news bulletins and weather forecasts, and answering questions to test your comprehension. The course lasts 60 minutes and includes 20 audios and exercises, and 5 vocabulary exercises.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kuullun ymmärtäminen 2
Continue to practice your listening comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by listening to conversations and other situations and answering questions to test how well you understood what was said. The course lasts 60 minutes and includes 20 audios and related exercises and 6 vocabulary exercises.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Banksvenska (self-study program) with Swedish-Finnish glossary
Study at your own pace – with the help of texts and various exercises. The material takes approximately 4 hours.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Online language training session
Improve your business language skills with a 60-minute online training session with our expert language trainers.
- Regular price
- €92,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €92,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kirjoittaminen 2
Practice your writing skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reviewing the rules for using the comma and practicing with exercises. You will also become familiar with clauses and some pronouns and their use. The 60-minute self-study material includes 13 digital exercises and 6 texts on writing rules.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Online language courses
Choose a tailored language course delivered by professional, experienced trainers to give you or your team the skills needed to meet the growing customer demand for multilingual service.
- Regular price
- €920,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €920,00 excl. VAT
Interaction Skills for Teamwork (hybrid program)
Study skills for modern working with engaging digital content and support from a professional language coach.
- Regular price
- €431,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €431,00 excl. VAT
Medical English
Expand your medical English vocabulary and acquire phrases essential for effective communication in the medical setting.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Esihenkilö ja oppiva tiimi
This lesson will help team leaders support learning in their team. The lesson covers how to create measurable learning goals, how to lead in a way that enforces continuous learning, as well as how to create evidence-informed learning experiences. This course is in English.
- Regular price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
Anna palautetta, joka vie toimintaa eteenpäin
15-minute eLearning for anyone who gives feedback as part of their job. Learn how to give effective feedback which will motivate and support your team members or colleagues to perform better, as well as when and what kind of feedback to give.
- Regular price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €1.500,00 excl. VAT
The Work-Ability Journey — English for Occupational Healthcare (self-study program)
Study the language used in English for occupational healthcare with our self-study material. Ideal for anyone working within the Finnish occupational healthcare system or anyone who deals with occupational healthcare services at their work, whether in Human Resources (HR), as a supervisor, or as a manager.
- Regular price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €63,00 excl. VAT
Working English: Motivation at Work
Boost your English language skills by diving into the topic of motivation at work with this 60-minute course of texts, dialogs, terms and definitions in English. This course is designed to teach you the language needed to talk about which matters affect job satisfaction and well-being, and how company culture can be improved. Suitable for learners A2-B1.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Kirjoittaminen 4
Practice your writing skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by studying loan words and abbreviations and how to inflect them, as well as learning their meaning. The 60-minute self-study material includes 12 digital exercises and 10 texts on writing rules for Finnish.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Luetun ymmärtäminen 4
Continue to practice your reading comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reading a variety of text types and topics, and completing related comprehension exercises. This self-study material includes 15 texts and comprehension exercises, 3 vocabulary-building exercises, and a downloadable list of key vocabulary.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Luetun ymmärtäminen 3
Continue to practice your reading comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reading a variety of text types and topics, and completing related comprehension exercises. This self-study material includes 14 texts and comprehension exercises, 5 vocabulary-building exercises, and a downloadable list of key vocabulary.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
YKI: Luetun ymmärtäminen 1
Practice your reading comprehension skills for the intermediate Finnish YKI test by reading a variety of text types and topics, and completing related comprehension exercises. The self-study material includes 14 reading comprehension exercises, 3 vocabulary exercises and 1 text on tips for reading in a foreign language.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Suomen kielen perusteet 30: Lääkärissä ja apteekissa
Study Finnish at your own pace with this 60-minute course, where you will learn useful words and phrases for visiting a doctor or a pharmacy, practice pronouncing illnesses and also reading the product information texts on medicines.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
Asiakaspalvelua suomeksi: Ravintola-ala II
Learn Finnish phrases and vocabulary for working in the restaurant industry in this 60-minute online course! Study and practice with our fictional waitress Gerli, who serves customers at the restaurant during lunch and dinner times. You will learn how to receive starter and dessert orders, recommend dishes from the menu to customers and practice what to say when a customer asks for the bill. Suitable for level B1 and higher.
- Regular price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
- Sale price
- €18,00 excl. VAT
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