Invest in your Finnish-language skills for nursing!
Study Finnish now at your own pace! In the third of our 60-minute courses, you will learn the names of different healthcare facilities, departments and outpatient clinics, and staff.
You will also learn to give directions to clients and patients for moving around inside the hospital building. From the example dialogues, you will practice phrases related to morning activities in a nursing home and the change of bedding and general colloquial language that is useful in practical nursing.
As a grammar subject, you will be learning about and practicing with pre- and post- positions and the conditional tense in Finnish.
This 60-minute course covers the following topics:
- Terveydenhuollon laitokset
- Osastot ja poliklinikat
- Lääketieteelliset erikoisalat
- Henkilökunta
- Ohjeiden antaminen rakennuksen sisällä
- Pre- ja postpositiot
- Potilashuone
- Vuodevaatteiden vaihto
- Konditionaali
The self-study material includes 17 inspiring digital exercises and 11 texts that promote your learning. In addition, you will also receive a downloadable PDF containing the core vocabulary from the material.
The study material is freely accessible for 90 days from the date of purchase through our online learning platform.