Develop your customer service skills in Swedish!
Language: Swedish
Four hours of self-study material plus four sessions with a trainer
Educate yourself at your own pace with our inspiring digital material and get individual help from an experienced language trainer.
Each hour of self-study material includes a 60-minute web-based language training session where you can use and consolidate what you have learned.
Build your vocabulary, learn useful Swedish expressions and how to use them in the right way and become more confident when communicating in customer service situations in Swedish with our Customer Service in Swedish program.
The courses in this program cover the following themes and topics:
1. Hövligt och vänligt
- Att presentera sig
- Artigt på svenska
- Frågor och svar
- Klart och tydligt
2. Instruktioner och rekommendationer
- Instruktioner och vägledning
- Råd och rekommendtioner
- Åsikter
- Dåliga nyheter och klagomål
3. Muntlig kundkommunikation
- På svenska i telefon
- Det personliga mötet
- Virtuella kundmöten
- Att småprata
4. Skriftlig kundkommunikation
- Kommunikation via e-post
- Kundservice genom chatten
- Att svara på reklamationer
- Övriga texter
The self-study material contains:
- over 200 Swedish terms used for customer service
- 15 texts with a focus on important phrases and skills for customer service
- more than 30 engaging digital exercises.
The study material is freely accessible for 90 days from the date of purchase through our online learning platform.
The four online language sessions can be booked when it suits you through our easy-to-use booking system up to 90 days from the date of purchase.