For Specialists Working Nationally and Internationally With The Finnish Pension System
Language: Swedish
Type: Four hours of self-study material plus 4 one-hour language lessons
Recommended level: A2 - B2
Ideal for anyone working within the Finnish pension system or anyone who deals with pension-related issues at their work. The material is suitable for learners with a A2-B2 language level (high-beginners to high-intermediate).
Study the terminology and language used in Swedish for earnings-related pensions in the Finnish pension system with self-study material and support from a professional language coach.
Each of the four parts of this self-study material includes a web-based language training session where you can use and consolidate what you have learned.
The four online language sessions can be booked when it suits you through our easy-to-use booking system up to 90 days from the date of purchase.
Expand and revise your key pension vocabulary with engaging texts, practice your knowledge with pedagogically designed digital exercises, and boost your communication skills and ability to understand earnings-related pension terminology in Swedish with listening exercises.
The topics in the self-study material:
- Part 1: Pensionssystemet i Finland
- Part 2: Pensionsalternativ
- Part 3: Pensionstillväxt, ansökan och besvär
- Part 4: Försäkring och finansiering samt internationella ärenden
- 5 texts that use important pension-related terms and language in context
- An audio recording of each text for you to read along with to improve your pronunciation
- A range of digital exercises to help you practice and test your knowledge
- 6 downloadable PDFs of more than 400 earnings-related pension terms and useful vocabulary in Swedish - including translations to Finnish, definitions, and example sentences - for you to keep
The study material is freely accessible for 90 days from the date of purchase through our online learning platform.