Study Real Estate English with our self-study program!
Language: English
Type: Four hours of self-study material
Build your vocabulary for both private and commercial properties and improve your confidence in communicating in the world of real estate.
Topics in the four hours of self-study material cover:
- The Real Estate Life Cycle
- Real Estate and Business
- Real Estate Life Cycle
- Location
Basics of a Building
- Building Materials
- The Interior and Exterior of a Building (structure, details, decorating)
- Modern Conveniences (HVAC, wiring, plumbing)
- Residential Properties
- Maintenance
- Repairs and Renovations
- House Types, Rooms and Spaces
- Furniture, Appliances, Interior Decoration
- Commercial Real Estate
- Commercial Properties
- Leasing and Renting
- Sales and Acquisition of Properties
The four hours of digital study material includes:
- More than 700 terms related to real estate
- 11 texts that highlight important vocabulary in context
- Over 50 engaging and interactive exercises to test what you have learned
- And 12 downloadable PDF glossaries of terminology, including definitions and example sentences.
The study material is freely accessible for 90 days from the date of purchase through our online learning platform.